Terrific Tuesday !!



confidence-levelIncredibly beautiful day OUTDOORS but I’m working INDOORS. My confidence level is high because I’m almost finished with all the paperwork regarding a new Will, insurance beneficiaries, etc., etc. My always preference is projects in my “yarden.” However, the recent bump on my head left me conscience-stricken if I’m hospitalized (or dead)!!


One hundred degrees

Temperature at one PM


This morning, I completed the last of the paperwork requested by my lawyer (plus two phone calls and computer hours on-line). Such a relief!! One day soon, I’ll sign and initial the documents. I’ll be able to check this procrastinated project off my “To Do” list. ~~ Now I must get all the boxes out of the neighboring site storage building. (The “powers-that-be” informed me [this morning, by phone] to “get ‘er done.”)





Marvelous Monday !!

Below is a message I sent (yesterday) to our “neighborhood” email communications. This morning, I organized the items neatly, on display, hoping I’d soon have interested individuals knocking on my door. Time will tell.


Some of you know me as “the plant lady.” I’ve really enjoyed my garden–and will continue to enjoy my garden. However, I have items I will not use and hope someone reading this message will say “Oh, that’s just what I need.”

Garden Tower, brand new, never used, with extra ring and very sturdy caster dolly. Come see mine all set up and well used. $375.00 ~~ There is a very valuable Facebook forum where we exchange very valuable information.

City (Patio) Pickers, two used but good condition, from Lowe’s. Two for $30.00.  PS: sold.

Bottle Tree, 12 branches, brand new, ready to set up. $50.00 (See picture below.)

Bottle Bush, 15 branches, brand new, ready to set up. $50.00 (See picture below.)

I have some extra bottles and will gladly share!!

Christmas tree stands (two), FREE. Create your own bottle tree or bottle bush??

Composter, double-chamber, used but in great condition. $75.00 (Over $100.00 at Tractor Supply.) ~~ (See picture below.)

Several CARE residents are interested in a “Garden Club.” Please let me know if you are interested in joining the group. The more the merrier!! Personally, I have a lot of garden information I’ll gladly loan. Also lots of bird information I’ll gladly loan.

Watch for another email message because I’m “downsizing” and will have other gardening items as weather allows me to concentrate on the project.

Bottle Tree

Bottle bush


Garden Tower



Advertised stuff

Stuff from storage


More stuff in neighbor's storage“The old lady” worked in the garden all morning!! She didn’t think she had another ounce of energy left BUT (afternoon) tackled the boxes in the neighboring site storage building. exhausted-woman-sitting-in-chairA new resident will occupy that site very soon and may want 100% of their storage building?!


Garden Tower in the box

Caster dolly and Garden Tower base


I Planted a Garden

I worked at “downsizing”  for an hour. Found this poem and now I’m back on my second love, the computer.

I Planted a Garden

I planted a garden within my heart
And tended it with care,
And now so many happy thoughts
I find are blooming there.

First there’s a row of sunny smiles
And in between a kiss,
And in my garden row I find
There’s love and happiness.

A golden sunshine ever bright
Helps kindly deeds to grow,
And special seeds of friendliness
Are all the kind I sow.

The rain is only silver threads
And every smile’s a rose,
That never wilts and never dies.
But grows and grows and grows.

To keep the garden within my heart
A very special one,
I pluck the weeds of hate and scorn
And plant a row of fun

A seed of joy and a seed of love
And a kindly thought each day…
Always enough so that I might have
A part I can give away.

So that every flower I choose to pick
Will blossom from the start,
And make me proud of the things I grow
In the garden of my heart.

by Garrett Ann Schultz


Brown is beautiful !!

Brown Rum bottle (indoors)

Brown bottle (outdoors)


Bottle Tree south side of trailer

Embossed on bottle

Friends and neighbors are good about saving bottles for me. Yesterday, another CARE resident apologized because the brown Bacardi rum bottle wasn’t pretty. Hey, it’s very impressive because name and logo are embossed into the bottle (expensive)!!

True story: Mr. Brown gave me the brown bottle. I can introduce you to bottles and say “Monya gave me this beautiful perfume bottle” and/or “Carolee gave me this beautiful large blue bottle.”

omg-in-big-lettersThree more bottlesKnock on the door at 11:15 and a CARE resident neighbor gave me three more bottles!!

Imagine my shock…

…when I received an email message saying I owe $65,710.00.

Dear Ms. Edwards,

You owe $65,710.

That’s what every American, including children would need to pay to erase our current national debt of $19,964,972,221,822.





Weather report (again)

Temperature before 5 AMAccording to Houston TV meteorologist at 6:50 AM: “Twenty-five degrees cooler this morning than this time yesterday.”

“Relativity cool day” according to same meteorologist at 8:25 AM. So-o-o-o-o, I won’t be working in the yard. (Forty-three degrees as I type this at 8:30 AM.) “Typical January weather.”

I’m watching the thermometer (day and night) and will cover my plants if necessary.

Texas Lilac transplanted !!

Holes drilled in large planterSeveral days ago, I obtained two (free) large containers from the farm store. Today, I was eager to prepare… and transplant the Texas Lilac. See my earlier blog message. Furthermore, check the blog message where I referred to myself as the Bag Lady.”  My, oh my, how time flies: I was surprised to see that I’ve been collecting plastic containers for more than a year.


Bringing pebbles to the planter

Lots of small plastic containers

Adding recycled soil

Removing from nursery container

Transplanted Texas Lilac

Project completed


AccuWeatherNot too warm, not too cold; wore my sweater all day. Cloudy, slight wind, but I was thrilled to be working in my “yarden.” Actually, transplanting the Texas Lilac was only one of many projects but they were insignificant and not worth a picture.