“E” for effort ?

‘Thot I’d work in the yard (because I need the exercise) but had to retreat because of the heat. It’s almost the first of the month and time to fertilize the plants–but it will have to wait for another day.

Fine dining ?

The car hadn’t moved for three weeks. I was out of “fresh” food. Because it was too hot to cook rice, or beans, or quinoa, I’d been eating canned soup and canned fruit. In my humble opinion, too hot to drive into Livingston to grocery shop (too hot for too many days). I drove a mile to “my source” for farm-fresh organic eggs, and three miles to a gas station and convenience store for pizza. Yum yum, good veggie pizza!

Seeking satisfying sleep

Yours truly has used a variety of sleep aids. They don’t work for me! Well, “they” work for a maximum of four hours. I have a routine: I go to bed about ten and I get up just before seven. Sometimes it’s after midnight before I fall asleep. Like clockwork, I’m wide awake at 2:30 AM, and awake thereafter.

It’s difficult to read the message on my “tea”cup so I display the message left. I love, love, love that reminder!!! There’s a variation to the message and I claim it, too. My “talent” is documentation of the Frantz family and collateral lines.

Sleep-deprived or not, I’ll continue to “climb the family tree” and continue to bore the reader with genealogy details.

Detour !!

“Too much of a good thing?” An email from Ancestry that begged my attention. So I left the “Grisso” branch of my tree to “save” a “hint.”

FYI: Currently, there are eighty men named John Frantz in my “tree.” These two (2 [above right]) did not match already established families.

Click the images to enlarge for better viewing.

Round and round, and around I go !!

Remember my blog message about Daniel Webster Grisso? I’ve had my share of humble pie”.  To make amends for my faux pau, I’ve extra-thoroughly and meticulously documented his twelve children, their spouses, and their children. Understandably. I’ve been documenting a dozen different surnames. I became engrossed with a six-year-old-girl in an orphanage in 1910 Federal Census and in the home of Daniel Jude Grisso in 1920 Federal Census.