Buttinski !!

That’s what I called myself when I went to a backyard neighbor for help. “I’m a buttinski.” He looked at me in a peculiar way so I explained I was trying to find information to help my nasty landlady and her nasty step-son (“help…” although it is none of my business). “Landlady and step-son” have been having major plumbing problems for months.  I decided I’d ask backyard neighbors if they had some answers. Sadly, no answers. Today (praise the Lord), a neighbor living a block away stopped by (to visit) and (being a long-time resident) she provided valuable information. When I went next door, to my landlady, and step-son, she snarled at me “Someone covered the holes.”  I confessed to covering the holes because her son-in-law said “OK.” (The value of my worth?!) Whether “they” appreciate it or not, I gave them details so someone (not Lorraine) can dig for, and locate the water shutoff. Not my business, but “buttinski”  will update the long-outdated information about recipients receiving water from two wells. “Who’s who.” True story: Everyone listed on the weathered sheet of paper (posted in the “well house”) has been dead for years. Property ownership has changed several times (according to the longtime resident lady-friend.) I’ll be knocking on doors to obtain current information.

Now to other events of the day?!

Reasonably early, I was outdoors working on the “discard” project.


Longtime resident lady-friend stopped by and we launched into problem-solving. She led the way and we traipsed (in the heat) to the two “well houses.” (Previously unknown to “buttinski.”)



The rain was absolutely wonderful. For the first time in weeks, I have the door open so I can “feel” and “smell” the rain. For a month, the air conditioner has been running 24/7.

Curiosity killed the cat !!


Three men stood around–in February–while one man dug.  The holes were quite a distance from the location of my calculation. Did they read the weathered sheet of paper in the well house?? Were they digging because someone said, “I think…” ?? I’m just an old lady; what do I know??

New tune in June !!

With new resolve and good intentions, I declare I’m singing a new tune in June. “Donate” and “discard” !! “Why put off until tomorrow what I can do today?”  I needed to drive into Livingston to pay a couple of bills and “resolved” to get those big, ugly, ceiling fans off my patio. Furthermore, I’d decided the tomato planter should have tomato plants so I browsed Lowe’s… and made garden flags “impulse purchase.” (I have about two dozen garden flags but especially like these.)




The TV news is full of images of the devastation from a tornado that touched down in the Dayton, Ohio, area. Dayton, and Trotwood, are dear-to-my-heart. I lived in nearby Brookville, Ohio, for two years. I was volunteering at the Brethren Heritage Center (2004-2006). I suspect many of my Old German Baptist Brethren and Church of the Brethren “cousins” have been affected (by the tornado). Decades ago (1989), a novice at genealogy, at an Old German Baptist Brethren Annual Meeting, I was told: “You are related to most of these (4,000) people.”  I documented the Frantz family, and collateral lines, in Frantz Families–Kith & Kin (published in 1996). Now I document the families in Lorraine Frantz Family Tree on Ancestry.com. Didn’t mean to digress; my heartfelt concern is for family members suffering after the tornado.

The weather is fickle: Hurrican season has begun so next month Houston, Texas, (and Livingston, Texas) could be the target. I’m extremely grateful for my many God-given blessings!!

“Crude” & “Rude”

“Crude”  and “Rude”  is the title of this message written (below) in invisible ink. This is my “journal”  and I frequently look at earlier experiences. At “three quarters and counting”  (eighty-four), with poor eyesight and slipping memory, I need notable reminders.*


*Hint: The day I “unfriended” two people.

Nine years and counting !!

Sentimental old lady likes to look back on pleasurable events of yesteryear. Here is a link to a blog message published on 29 May 2010. Why today? Because I’m reminiscing about the friendship that was born in Exeter, New Hamshire nine years ago.  To this very day, to this very hour, we exchange email messages. “Deb” has been such a dear friend and a good listener when I pour out grief and frustrations (via email). From afar, she helps me with solutions to RV problems. Without fail, thoughtful Christmas gifts arrive in the mail.

This old lady has little to offer in return. To my delight, yesterday Deb asked for information that might be available from Family Search  or Ancestry.com. I am ecstatically happy to oblige!! Unfortunately, today my detective skills have failed to provide the requested answers. I’ll keep searching.

When I say “old lady” it shows in my face. Look at a picture from nine years ago versus a few days ago.

Morning ritual

(1) Make that first cup of coffee. (2) Water the thirsty plants. (3) “Deadhead” spent blooms. Today, only, finished filling the holes with damp soil. (4) Miscellaneous (as I see them). (5) Indoors (hot and sweaty) to make the second cup of coffee and prepare a blog message. Today, a Gardenia bloom was a sight and smell blessing!


Question: What would my yard look like if I never “got a round tuit”?

Shirttail relatives ?!

The “arborist” spent the afternoon in an unfamiliar forest of trees. When I said “shirttail relatives”  it is less cumbersome than “great-grandfather of wife of fourth cousin one-time removed.” I was intrigued when I noted that “great-grandfather” was the father of a set of twins, and a set of triplets. My sympathy to the wife, and mother, who gave birth to five babies in less than three years. A total of thirteen children in twenty-three years. ~~ I get intricately involved with the individuals and aspire to accurately document details of their walk on this earth. ~~ Why did I digress from my surname and collateral lines? Because the surname was (**is**) a “collateral line” but I failed to connect with my Old German Baptist Brethren cousins.