In the garden…

…in my Sanctuary, I meet with my Heavenly Father. He wipes away my tears and salves my heartaches. “What heartaches?” Only one family member was concerned enough to inquire about my home and health–and wish me a happy Mother’s Day. ~~ Oh, I’m not complaining because most folks my age say they, too, have been abandoned by family. Deplorable?!?!

Left thigh

Selfie of bruised thigh

Butterfly bush


Purple Shamrock

Purple Shamrock close up

Bottom line: Praise God I/we have the CARE community for a family.

“The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life. Rarely do members of one family grow up under the same roof.”
Richard Bach, Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah

Walk across America

PedometerCARE residents, and Rainbow’s End RV Park residents (and interested others), are (figuratively speaking) walking the American Discovery Trail. We are currently in Colorado. Wearing a pedometer is a wonderful reminder of our need to “work” toward 10,000 steps per day. (I seldom reach that goal but I’m “working” toward it.) Let me emphasize that “collectively” we are figuratively speaking in Colorado. However, individually, I have only traversed Delaware and Maryland.

Same-o, same-o

Smiley face boringRaining again–at 7:25 AM. It has been raining elsewhere in our area so Houston TV news continues and NBC Today Show has been preempted again. ~~ (Boring?! You’re weary of my repetitious messages?!)

Good Gopher

This old lady plans to use GoodGopher as her search engine. Read the story about the beta launch.


Several of my blog messages have addressed Google’s “trolling” of my blog–and email messages. Check Almost…but not quite.

My life is an open book (open “journal”); I have nothing to hide. However, I resent that my messages are being read and the information passed to retailers.

Spying on mePostscript: New information received, not yet verified: Shake Internet Trackers in 4 Steps.

Rare experience !!

Twenty-four hours without rain!! “We’ll remain dry for the rest of the morning” according to the local TV meteorologist (at 6:50).

Weak or No Signal TV messageWe have the NBC Today Show for the first time in several days and were able to see news of disasters in Oklahoma–and other locations in Texas. (For three days, the Houston station had continuous coverage of historic flooding in our area.) ~~ That’s an editorial “we”… and viewing TV is sporadic because atmospheric conditions are limiting reception.

Because the ground is so saturated… we have fog. No sunshine yet (7:40).

Blue bird praying our fatherTime to venture out and fill bird feeders?! ~~ Let’s continue to pray for all the families suffering from weather disasters.

Postscript, 11:00 AM: Hummingbird feeders have a refill–and I just prepared more nectar. Bluebird feeder has fresh mealworms–and the Bluebirds are carrying them to their babies. ~~ A busy morning because weeds also demanded my attention!!

Time and temperature

Bluebird on top of bird house

Bluebird on feeder

The feeder (below) was full to the top a couple of hours earlier. The birds empty this feeder in just one day!! ~~ OMG, “Rosemary” is sick or dying!! She was fine less than two weeks ago!! Too much water?? A sister Rosemary is doing fine.

Bird feeder

Rosemary looking good in early May.

Rosemary looking good in early May.

Rosemary dead or dying in late May.

Rosemary dead or dying in late May.

Rosemary is dead or dying

Rosemary is doing fine

Postscript, 3:30 PM: Yesterday I mentioned “challenges.” Today I have one of a different kind: Ants!! No pictures because the nemeses is extremely tiny. They found the Hummingbird nectar while it was cooling before going into the refrigerator. Pretty soon my refrigerator will be too small because I have to keep the sugar there, and the granola cereal, and raisins, etc., etc.

Sweater morning; sweat afternoon !!

Depressing weather!! Around-the-clock local news; NBC Today Show preempted again. I’m weary of all the bad weather news but can’t/won’t turn off the TV. (Truthfully, I’m physically sick as I project myself into the scene.) It’s eight o’clock as I publish this. I haven’t ventured out for the rain gauges yet.

Early morning weather news

Standing water

High temps for today


Temperature at six-forty

Nine-thirty follow-up with more pictures. (Too much “weather”; I caught cold.)

Rain gauge in broad view

Rain gauge (2)

Rain gauge (1)

Standing water

Drain isn't draining

Bless this garden flag

Temperature at eleven-fifteenFYI (eleven-fifteen): About nine-thirty, I turned off the TV and put on a CD with uplifting music. I was having chills so went back to bed–but still cold. About ten-thirty, I took a long hot shower so I could “get warm.”

Feeling better at 11:15.

The ground is so saturated the water just “sits.”

Standing water (1)

Standing water (2)

Too soon old, too late smart !!

“Tommy” was moved under the shelter of the front of the trailer. (More rain… for the next week.) I should have relocated the tomato plant earlier. It may not survive too much water!! My first strawberry was almost ripe enough to pick but, again, too much water. ~~ I’ve pondered a way to create a cover for the other tomato plant (planter too heavy to move)–likewise turning yellow. The cucumber plant doesn’t look as hardy as before. The pepper plant has been stripped of its leaves. Lettuce planters were flooded about a week ago and have not recovered. My gardening efforts rate a failing grade?!

Tommy under cover

My first strawberry ruined

My second strawberry ruined

Grade D-plus


Tommy tomato

First strawberry


Green pepper

The other tomato plant


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Historic flooding”…

…according to the Houston morning TV news. “Unbelievable images!!”

I’m sitting here shaking my head in disbelief as I watch the TV images. Reminiscent of Tropical Storm Allison (June 2001) according to news lady. The NBC Today Show was preempted for continuing local news coverage.

Non-spectacular pictures from last night and this morning.

TV weather (1)

TV weather (2)

TV weather (3)

TV weather (4)

Tornado potential

Lightening flashes

Lightening in my area

Morning weather

Weather forecast (2)

Livingston on the crawl

Flooded underpass

Traffic at a stand still

Time and temperature

Two inches in my yard (1)

Two inches in my yard (2)

Temperature at nine-thirty

One week forecast

References are also made to Hurricane Ike (Sep. 2008).

Pray pleaseSuggestion: Please keep the residents of the affected areas in your prayers. No official numbers yet but thousands of flooded homes; thousands of water-damaged vehicles; probably billions of dollars in damages.

A web link with more information about Extreme Floods Texas and Oklahoma.