Precious gifts !!

A week or more ago, I made a comment (on my blog) about searching for “Soft Soap” which I believed to be in the storage unit. I made another comment an hour ago in recent blog message. While I was preparing that recent message, United Parcel delivered two small packages to my porch. I didn’t even hear my motion-detector door-bell because I was focused on previous blog message. Imagine my delight to see the packages. A dear, dear lady-friend could have read my “journal” and smiled. God bless her, she acted upon my casual comment and sent liquid soap, Yardley “oatmeal & almond” bar soap and special tea. Forgive me: I mislabeled the gift item in the picture. Yes, Assam British favorites, 25 tea bags. Sincere thanks, Debra.

The next day and I found another package in my mailbox. The same dear friend sent a one-pound package of Hazelnut coffee. My very favorite specialty coffee!! Sincere thanks, Debra!!

Dirty job but somebody’s “old lady” gotta do it !!

I was desperate to find items randomly crammed into the storage unit (when the first cargo trailer load was unloaded on December 26th). I started moving things into the carport on Thursday, March 26th. Almost every day, I spent an hour or two on the “reorganize” project. I had planned to hire some strong young men to do the lifting but (respecting the President’s instructions) nobody available. This task was too strenuous for“this old lady”  but, by God’s grace, accomplished. Not a day too soon because more rain on-the-way. Our recent heavy rains crept into the carport and some of the boxes are wet and already show mold. The storage unit still needs a little more “TLC” but I can move around. While working on the project, I found many needed items (but not the Soft Soap [lol]). I borrowed the blog title from Mike Rowe. Here are comparison pictures.

Two days & counting

Two days without spending time on Ancestry. True, no “climbing the family tree.”

Seventy years from now, when a researcher wants to look at the 2020 Federal Census, what will they see? Will the information from phone calls, Internet, and/or personal visit be combined? “This old lady”  won’t be around but she is quick to declare the value of published Census records through 1940.

Winter returns ?


A bagel would taste good with my coffee. My grocery shoppingin early Marchwas focused on a two-week supply (before Coronavirus pandemic). I haven’t joined the “panic shoppers”; I haven’t left the RV Park. When I run out of coffee, I’ll drink tea?!

Dishpan hands !!

After I washed my (few) dirty dishes, I used the dishwater to clean a dozen dirty items recently removed from the storage unit. I’m “multi-tasking” because I’m listening to TV church (and an occasional eye directed at the TV screen). I am loving the pleasant odor of essential oil. My strenuous labor on Friday and Saturday has been exchanged for “dishpan hands.”

Yes, I am keeping busy but I respect that this is “the Lord’s Day.”