En route to a T@B rally !!

“Goodbye, farewell….”  (Remember that song from The Sound of Music?)  I’m leaving today to attend a T@B Rally near the Blue Ridge Parkway.  There will be over 40 units and I believe most will be T@Bs.  This is a much-anticipated annual event!!  ~~  I doubt that we will have WiFi so I probably won’t add another blog until I return next week.

Inquiring minds want to know !!

I am ill-informed when it comes to trees, flowers, and gardening. Frequently, I go to Ask.com and write my question. About four this morning, couldn’t sleep, got up to seek information about a tree at the edge of my yard. It is directly across from my patio doors so I see it every time I step outdoors. There are small sweet-smelling white flowers. I was curious about the name of the plant. Well, I learned far more than I anticipated!! I read several web sites and found the Chinese privet is NOT a tree to brag about. Problem plants.  Plant guide. In spite of its negative reputation, I’m enjoying the pungent aroma.

Three Quarters & Counting

This is my new blog, “under construction.” After weeks of frustration with Google’s Blogspot, I was forced to search the Internet for another venue. I have a lot to learn because all appears new and different–and “yours truly” is “three quarters and counting.” Two years of earlier blog information can be found at TabTeardropTravels. ~~ (Comment: If you think you read this “last month” you’re correct. I keep moving it to the top of my blog to explain my move….)





Apology !!

I’ve been preoccupied with other responsibilities. Ideally, I would have posted the pictures from my recent camping trip. I apologize!!  Now I am packing for another camping trip–another Rally.  ~~  My backyard garden holds a fascination and I grabbed my camera for a few more pictures.  I’ve finally cleared the patio of a lot of clutter!!  For many months, many items were hidden under a tarp in the far left corner.  Now, only the ladder.  Some of the items were used for trellis, and support for Topsy-Turvy upside-down tomato planters.  Lots was given away recently!!  (I’m actively working on “downsizing”.)

Weird weather !!

Thirty-four degrees (at 7:15) when I uncovered plants on my patio garden. Last night, weather forecasters encouraged viewers to cover their plants to protect them from freezing temperatures.  Snow in the nearby mountains!! Perhaps light snow where I was camping last week?? Definitely, they would have had frost.  ~~  Snow in MANY areas of our nation.  

Note: Trip pictures will follow one day soon.  I’m packing the car and trailer for the trip next week, and getting things done “at home.”

Safely home again !!

I’ll have a lot of pictures to post but just wanted to let everyone know I arrived home safely. It rained off-and-on the entire drive but only misting when I unhooked the T@B and KIA. Moments later the sky opened up and we had a downpour!!  ~~  First thing: I had to check my plants.  The Topsy-Turvy upside-down tomato plants have grown twice their size in one week.  Likewise, the Scarlet Runner Bean has grown and started to climb.

Happy camper !!

I’ve been camping all week at Tom Johnson’s Camping Center, Marion, NC. I’m with the Escapee’s RV Club. Having fun!! We have the benefit of free WiFi at the main building BUT this is the first time (all week) that I have had the opportunity to turn on my computer and check e-mail (and prepare a blog). More later!!

Oh, joy !!

It’s 4:25 and I just saw my first Hummingbird of the season.  I’ve been waiting for this day!!  It was checking my two feeders–but did not drink.  My neighbors have had Hummingbirds for a couple of weeks–and I was so-o-o-o-o jealous.  Perhaps, soon, the Hummers will visit me frequently?!

I’ve been “wiped out” physically today–an aftermath of my marathon preparation (yesterday) of my Income Taxes.  This morning I just sat and watched the Sunday morning news programs, and a Church service.  This afternoon, I did laundry, ironed, cooked, washed dishes, and organized last-minute things for the trailer trip to a Rally in the North Carolina mountains.  ~~  Shortly, I’ll be leaving for an Easter Cantata (after Easter) at a church in Lancaster, South Carolina.

Not a happy camper !!

Procrastinator!!  I’m a procrastinator!!  Today, I’m preparing Income Taxes.  Since the crack of dawn, I’ve been working on my 2010 taxes!!  I finished them and printed at 2 o’clock (months too late to e-file).  I’m taking a brief break for “B & B” (brunch and blog).  I had to unpack my printer and try to remember all the “how to” info.  (It has been packed for over two years.)  I left Shelby, NC, almost exactly two years ago so necessary information was scattered (misplaced).  As a faithful Turbo Tax user, I usually receive the next year automatically (with debit to my bank account).  It was awhile before the software caught up with me in Orlando, Florida.  I dutifully tried to install the $107.70 software and prepare….      The CD must be defective!!  I was very discouraged and just turned my back on the whole process!!  ~~  This morning I did a Google search and downloaded the 2010–for an additional $74.67.  ~~  I’ll go back to Google and download 2011 after I prepare this blog.  Now I’m determined to finish this unpleasant procedure!!

Why did I say I am not a happy camper??  Because I had planned to be en route to Marion, North Carolina, for an Escapee RV rally!!  For two weekends I have been getting the T@B ready.  I was diligent; I was ready.  However, my conscience wouldn’t let me leave for a mini-vacation knowing that my income taxes would be delinquent for a second year.

Postscript, 8:00 PM: I am mentally and physically exhausted!!!  Obtaining, and downloading, the 2011 software was a pain in the butt!!  My return is actually quite simple but there’s a lot of reading as Turbo Tax guides me through the details.  Then check and re-check for accuracy.  (I’ve had a “home based business” for decades and it’s vital that I document thoroughly.)  At 7:43 PM, I sent the Federal via e-file; at 7:57 I finished printing North Carolina and will mail it with the 2010 form (Monday).  I’ve spent over twelve stressful hours at the computer!!!