Rare event ?!

I rarely cook!! Remember I shopped at Walmart about ten days ago. Among other grocery items, I bought a corned beef brisket, potatoes, onions, carrots, and turnips. I forgot cabbage!! That was so-o-o-o delicious!! ~~ Today, I did not (did not) involve myself in Ancestry.com. I did two loads of laundry and other miscellaneous tasks.

Oh, what an extremely beautiful day !!

“The plan” was simply to add pages to the notebook of family history. An invitation to “go to a ‘parts house'”  was accepted and became a sight-seeing experience. I suspect it was one-hundred-fifty miles (or more) and I saw areas and towns new to this “don’t know a thing about Central Texas”  resident.

We were near the ranch of former President George Bush “but all you can see is trees.”  I’ve lived in Waco for fifteen months and did not know that George and Laura Bush lived within fifty-five miles.

Unique genealogy experience

Yesterday, I received a request for information (genealogy) and I could not tie the request to any individuals in my several family trees.

Sent: Sun, Mar 28, 2021 5:28 am
Subject: Re: The History of William Denham and His Family

Good Palm Sunday morning to you, Julia. Thanks for your message. Sorry to disappoint you but I do not have that book. What prompted you to think I had a copy?

Best wishes from Lorraine Edwards
P.S.  If so inclined, please take a few minutes to visit my blog at Three Quarters And Counting.

Her reply and my answer.

Re: The History of William Denham and His Family

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

OMG!!! My sincere apology!!!! SINCERE THANKS, Julia, for the link and “jogging my memory.” That message was posted many years ago. I’ve moved a couple of times since that message. I’m sure I still have the notebook but I have no idea where it is stored. I’ll begin a search but it will not be an overnight success. I cannot guarantee the value of the information. Because I’ve been “doing” genealogy since the 1980s, people know of my obsession. Someone gave me the notebook because it ended up among a donation to a Thrift Shop. I think that is the background but I may be misstating how it came to me.
THANK YOU FOR CONTACTING ME!!!! No cost to you, if I can find… I’ll gladly send.
BEST WISHES from Lorraine

Catsup ?

Correction: Catch up!!

I got to a “stopping point”; I finally had every person and every source I could locate for the Tiner-Harris family. The pages have been printed and they are in plastic page protectors.

“Plastic page protectors” because Ancestry.com doesn’t offer a way to adjust margins. “Three-hole punch” would “punch” into text.

“Baa baa black sheep…

…have you any wool? Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full.”



It is a beautiful day!! I started a project that has “been on my mind” for a couple of weeks. When I deposited one aluminum can (trash where it didn’t belong), I was amazed both containers were full to the top. I’m BIG on recycling and I wanted to save the “pop tops” for Ronald McDonald House. The second trash container is still almost full but I was thirty thirsty and will return to the project later. “…three bags full.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

OMG, a spelling error! It is “almost” the 28th of March and I was checking my earlier messages (after scheduling the Palm Sunday message). My friends are “too kind” to point out my error?