Time machine

**If** I could climb into a time machine, I would love to spend time in Flora, Carroll County, Indiana, in the 1800searly 1900s. I was there, briefly, years ago. Since then, I have documented so many “extended family” members who lived there. And it seems the community hosted the Amish, Quaker, Mennonite, and Old German Baptist Brethren (my ancestors). The next best thing I can do is spend time accurately documenting the families in Ancestry.com.


Fascination beyond imagination !!

In my ancestry, I have so many people who were devout Bible-believing Christians. I am so grateful that God, my Heavenly Father, invested all that faith into me. My parents were not Christians; I was not raised in a Christian home. I knew absolutely nothing about my ancestry until the late 1980s when I began my research. Now my lineage is well-documented and I have Quakers, Mennonites, and Old German Baptist Brethren (and LDS but I ignore that branch of the tree).

Past bedtime…

…but I’ve “got a tiger by the tail and can’t let go.”

I found a new branch of the tree. When I saw “Lydia Macy” in my “Frantz tree,” I wanted to see if she connected to the Macy’s in my “Coffin tree.”  Yes, indeed, I traced her family back to Nantucket Island, Massachusetts. See my Thanksgiving Day blog message for links to my history of those families. This is so fascinating; I can’t walk away!!

A terrifying dream !!

It was so real, I’m still trembling (5:20 AM)!! I was in the back seat of the car; a man and woman were in the front seat. We were “in the country”and no traffic. The driver, the man, approached an intersection and did not stop for the stop sign. The car almost hit a horse and rider (on the crossroad). I can see the horror on the face of the equestrian (but I don’t know if it was a man, woman, or child). We were inches from a terrible accident.

Why would I have such a dream? Why am I remembering it? Is this an alternate scenario from the horrible tragedy in Waukesha, Wisconsin, where a man drove into the Christmas parade, killing and injuring many people? ~~ This is an alarming start to my Sunday morning. However: “Let not my heart be troubled…”

Not so nice ?!

The claws came out this afternoon. See how I responded to “hypothetical.”  I’m so weary of careless documentation by some subscribers to Ancestry.com.

I really “work” to have accurateand thoroughdocumentation.

“Good Friday” after Thanksgiving

In response to two of my recent blog messages, a cousin sent this extremely valuable (to me) information. My answer: “No.”

Among all your new additions, did you get Chesley Burnett Sullenberger III?

Who is Chesley Burnett Sullenberger III?


His paternal line is as follows:

Chesley Burnett Sullenberger III 1951-

Chesley Burnett Sullenberger Jr 1917-1995

Father of Chesley Burnett Sullenberger III

Chesley Burnett Sullenberger 1882-1947

Father of Chesley Burnett Sullenberger Jr

Samuel J Sullenberger 1846-1919

Father of Chesley Burnett Sullenberger

Albert Sollenberger Sullenberger 1812-1884 (changed the spelling of the name)

Father of Samuel J Sullenberger

Samuel Sollenberger 1783-?

Father of Albert Sollenberger Sullenberger

Michael Sollenberger 1745-1810

Father of Samuel Sollenberger

Ulrich Sollenberger 1716-1762

Father of Michael Sollenberger


Ulrich Sollenberger’s daughter, Elizabeth (1753-1824) married Michael Frantz (1753-1817)


Have a good Friday!



Postscript: I love to create collages. Mental gymnastics!!

“Natural cure” for depression ?!

I’m not adding individuals to my database aiming for impressive numbers. I involve myself in searchingand documentingso I don’t think about being lonely, tired, sleepy, and hungry, I sit too long and my derriere and my legs hurt!! ~~ Emotionally, the holiday season is my worst time of the year. ~~ A bit of history: I was married on this day sixty-nine years ago.