I’ve got (more) mail !!

God’s gift? I adore receiving messages!! This one from Ontario, Canada.  (What’s that Western song [?] I’m so lonesome, I could cry.”)

Hi Lorraine – I noticed that you have Charles Ricardo Tucker (1904-1986) in your database with parentage listed as Samuel & Sarah Tucker. I have him in my own as a possible child to Bessie McRoberts Sanborn – as they appear to be together in the 1920 Census of Richmond VA- although its not really clear if they are actually mother/son – looks like they weren’t at the same address. Here is the link – https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/6061/images/4390338_01041?pId=55941510 Bessie married 4x and didn’t stay with the first 3 very long – and when she died in 1968 her obit says she was survived by 2 grandchildren, but no child is listed nor are the grandchildren listed by name. Tucker was obviously alive in 1968 so one would have expected him to be named in the obit. I’m now thinking he could not have been her child and hoping you have definitive proof to support his parentage. Bessie was a sister to my wife’s great-grandfather. Thanks for your assistance. Steve Marshall Orillia ON Canada

I answered the message and hopefully provided valuable information. I couldn’t access the link he shared because I do not subscribe to Ancestry’s World Explorer.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Frustrating computer problems!! My Internet provider is playing “Hide and Seek.” Same provider, no TV either.

“Red” is bad, “blue” is good.


Question: Is “the left” reaching out to shut down this little old lady Trump supporter?

Lonesome old lady, “so lonesome I could cry.”

It’s a fact !!

Los Angeles County, California, was my employer for twenty years. Los Angeles County has provided a comfortable monthly retirement check for twenty years. I look forward to twenty years in Texas–“working” on my ancestry hobby!!


The images and the comment (above) were prepared for the first of the year. Considering the events… I’ve lacked the incentive to prepare and publish blog messages. The images (below) were prepared in the middle of the month and, likewise, a lack of incentive to publish. (The “left” considers me the member of a cult and needs to be “deprogrammed.”)

Twenty years of retirement and one year as a resident in Waco, Texas.


I’ve got mail

Remember when AOL would announce “You’ve got mail”?? I received an interesting message today via Ancestry mail.

Hi – I am the archivist at the Old Mill Museum in Lindsborg, Kansas. I have had a lot of extra time this past year to do some extra deep cleaning and organizing. I am trying to find new homes for items that do not have a close connection to Lindsborg or McPherson County. I have three photos of Laura Marguerite Hedine as a child. I see that you have Laura in your tree. Since Laura never lived in Kansas would you like to have the photos? If so, I would be happy to mail them to you. Thanks, Lenora Lynam

I left an interesting Ancesty project and searched for details about Laura. What I found was intriguing!! The Old German Baptist Brethren are so intricately interwoven, it was surprising to see the marriage to a man who was born in Sweden. Honestly, I wish we had “time travel” so I could go back to 1906-1907 and learn more about the personal lives of the young couple.

I have not decided how to answer the archivist. It’s interesting (isn’t it) that she has visited my Ancestry database. Strange as it may sound, that makes me very happy!! Why?? The love that I devote to the documentation of the Frantz familyand collateral linesis reaching far and wide. That’s my goal because (imho) my ancestry is unique and I want to record the wonderful individuals who were dedicated to living Christ-centered God-fearing lives. Hard-working, kind, thoughtful, considerate…

I diligently searchedand documentedthe individuals (a dozen) with the thought that they may never appear in another database. If Elizabeth (my second cousin) had not died in 1907, these folks might well have been my cousins.

Postscript 5:45 PM: Because of the archivist’s message, I received an unexpected message from a third cousin. L-o-n-g, -l-o-n-g,  -s-t-o-r-y and I’m actually “speechless” right now. That’s right, I don’t know how to write about the euphoria and elation. Praise God from Whom all blessing flow!!!!

Paying it forward

This song was playing over and over in my mind as I worked to expand the information regarding the son-in-law of two dear cousins. Lela shared so much valuable information when I was seeking details about my ancestry. Far below, you will see two images: (1) The leaves represent “hints” and “sources” available for that ancestor. (2) Everyone is well-documented (no more leaves). Approximately two-hundred family members added and several hundred sources (and it took three days).

I have the joy, joy, joy, joy,
Down in my heart, (where?)
Down in my heart, (where?)
Down in my heart,
I have the joy, joy, joy, joy,
Down in my heart, (where?)
Down in my heart to stay.

And I'm so happy, so very happy
I have the love of Jesus in my heart.
(Down in my heart)
And I'm so happy, so very happy
I have the love of Jesus in my heart.

I have the love of Jesus, love of Jesus,
Down in my heart, (where?)
Down in my heart, (where?)
Down in my heart,
I have the love of Jesus, love of Jesus,
Down in my heart, (where?)
Down in my heart to stay.

And I'm so happy, so very happy
I have the love of Jesus in my heart.
(Down in my heart)
And I'm so happy, so very happy
I have the love of Jesus in my heart.
I've got the peace that passes understanding
Down in my heart, (where?)
Down in my heart,
I've got the peace that passes understanding
Down in my heart, (where?)
Down in my heart to stay.

And I'm so happy, so very happy
I have the love of Jesus in my heart.
(Down in my heart)
And I'm so happy, so very happy
I have the love of Jesus in my heart.

And if the devil doesn't like it he can sit on a tack
Sit on a tack,
Sit on a tack,
Sit on a tack,
And if the devil doesn't like it he can sit on a tack to

And I'm so happy so very happy I have the love of Jesus
In my heart down in my heart to stay.

Thirty-fifth anniversary

Thirty-fifth anniversary of the Challenger explosion!! The TV news reminded me of the experience and I remember it indelibly. I was working for NASA–at Edwards Air Force Base–at the time. We were watching the launch on NASA closed-circuit TV–and all were horrified.

Balderdash !!

Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, it has been a year since I had a haircut. Yes, I’ve been pulling my very long stringy hair and screaming at the computer!! Ancestry.com made major changes in early 2021 and I find it extremely difficult and very frustrating!! These 1000 names were very “labor-intensive”!!


Inactive !!

No energy; lack of desire to “do” anything. The cupboards were bare, the refrigerator was empty!! Went grocery shopping (spent almost $400.00) but unable to approach the preparation of a tasty meal. ~~ This is my journal and I want to document my life experience in this new year. ~~ I’m having problems with my computerS; Ancestry.com has changed and I’m frustrated as I try to “muddle through.” I could say “It’s a conspiracy”  but I’ll cling to the scripture that reads “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28.

Rebellion ?!?

“They”  will have to drag me kicking and screaming to a camp to “reprogram” Trump supporters. “They”  may take away my Internet service (innocuous old lady) because I’m a flag-waving Christian Republican. My prayer: “God bless Donald Trump.”