Sixty days & counting !!


“The old lady”  is being precautious. She hasn’t left home since the end of February. (Correction: She hasn’t left the RV Park since the end of February.) It’s a good thing she knows how to entertain herself with a computer? It’s a good thing she knows how to climb trees?


Check this


“This old lady” wants to curl up in a fetal position and suck her thumb.

This has been such a frustrating day!! Remember when I wrote about my website suddenly disappearing from the Internet? Today, a genealogy cousin worked with me for several hours in an effort to upgrade and improve researcher access to Frantz Families–Kith & Kin. Although I labeled this blog “confession,” I do not feel the problems were solely “the old lady.”  I “confess” to being uneducated when it comes to technical computer and Internet stuff. Maybe the vendors selling websites should make their product more “user friendly”?!

P.S. When published yesterday, I failed to mention that “genealogy cousin” and I accomplished the improvement via email messages. “Social distancing,” ha-ha.

Two too early !!

Lots of lightning and thunder!! There were “sheets” of rain falling but the pictures do not capture the scene. ~~ The bedroom window was wide open–and that portion of my trailer home isn’t under the roof “cover.” Items under the window got soaking wet!! ~~ It’s too early to be “up” but I’m wide awake!!

Sleepless in Central Texas


“Sleep aids” would be helpful but I’ve spent half a lifetime devoted to holistic health so I seldom venture beyond Melatonin.

The owner/manager of this RV Park purchased and installed the solar light because (in his words) “I like your bottles.”


Remember the movie The Lost Weekend? Without a good night’s sleep, for me, it is “the lost day.” I hoped a tasty breakfast and a shower would energize me but no such benefit.

Smell a blog message ??

Such a wonderful odor permeating my home!! Today I have the smell of bacon and onion!! Usually, I have a defuser sending a fragrant essential oil odor into my living quarters.



“Is she sick? It has been months since she spent this much time in the kitchen!”

A thoughtful, considerate, kind, neighbor gave me this quart of local raw honey. I’ll try it in my “sun tea.”

Thumbs up ?!

A reminder: This blog is my journal (and I gladly share it with the whole wide world). A few of my friends in Livingston will comprehend the enormity of the following statement. For the first time in five years, I have fingernails. No, I didn’t “chew” or “bite”; I “picked.” I was always experiencing stress because my “landlords” found fault with me. “Picking” was involuntary. Since I’ve been in my new homewith a wonderful owner/manager of this RV Parkmy fingernails have grown. Yesterday, the owner/manager (unsolicited) brought me fresh food and said: “I love your bottles.”