Mildly depressed !!

The T@B Teardrop Rally is in full swing at Raccoon Holler along the Blue Ridge Parkway in North Carolina. I made my reservation last year and had every intention of attending. Plans changed; I moved from North Carolina BUT still planned to attend. Every penny of saving went into the purchase of the 2013 Carriage 5th-wheel trailer followed by (unplanned expense of)  major roof repair. It breaks my heart to miss the camaraderie of friends with T@B trailers. But I am reminiscing–and seeing with my mind’s eye–the people and activities because this rally is back at the 2012 location. Details are documented–in pictures–on this link,  and this link, and this link. FYI: You might like to read about After the Rally. (Yes, that’s your’s truly at the 2012 T@B Blue Ridge Rally. ) ~~ You and I can follow this year’s activities on the hostess’ blog titled Postcards from the Road.

Mildly discouraged !!

Blue in the faceThe better part of the day was spent doing paperwork–until I was blue-in-the-face!! Even with hours of effort, I still have clutter, and lots to “file” !! But where do I put it?? The biggest frustration was finding the registration and title for the KIA and T@B (safely stored where they should be but finding things [in their new location] is tedious). North Carolina is anxious for my vehicle renewals. I’m trying to present sufficient paperwork so they get it through their heads that I’ve moved and registered in Texas!! ~~ Prior to my move, I never anticipated so much “hassle” regarding vehicles. I don’t recall this kind of difficulty in California, or Ohio. Furthermore, remember I mentioned the exorbitant fees in Texas?? Almost $400. for the 2006 KIA, almost $400. for the 2004 T@B travel trailer, and almost $1,000. for the 2003 Carriage 5th-wheel trailer. Vehicle insurance is a third higher than North Carolina. This has been a very expensive move!! ~~ Tomorrow I’ll get the statement from CARE and it may exceed $1000.00 (expensive “care”).

Still in “recovery”; still experiencing pain. I’m “taking it easy”!! 

Still in “recovery” !!

It has been a very relaxing morning on a comfortably pleasant day. Eighty-one degrees outside (eighty-two inside without A/C) as I write this at one o’clock. I’m still “taking it easy” after too much heavy lifting on Sunday. No Aleve today (but yesterday was a “two Aleve” day). ~~ I took the tour of the Escapees Rainbow’s End RV Park as it was the last tour until Fall. I’ve been here almost seven months and was long-overdue for the very informative history, and visual. The mail forwarding facility was a marvel to see and learn the details. More than 10,000 people use the Rainbow’s End address; customer service is paramount.

Tour trolley

Tour trolley (close up)


Headquarters sign

Leaving Headquarters for tour

Inside trolley

Accident scene


Dottie with her rose bushes

Exceptionally beautiful roseThe tour trolley had just reached the CARE Center when I received a phone call (from the CARE Center). Someone wanted to see me. I thanked the driver, and “story-teller,” and joined my acquaintance (standing in the driveway waiting for me). Dottie lives “in the Park” but heard about my garden. She came to visit… and wanted me to see her roses. Off we went in her golf cart, to her house, where I was mesmerized by the dozens of blooming rose bushes. A few short months ago they were in someone’s garden. The house sold and the new residents didn’t want the roses. Dottie and her son, Seth, dug them up and put them in storage over the winter. Less than two months ago they planted the bushes in large pots and, without exception, every bush is loaded with blooms. I was so “mesmerized,” I failed to take a picture of all.  I fell in love with one bloom and remembered to take a picture.

Speaking of golf carts: A cart and driver went over the embankment into the creek shortly before the trolley arrived at the location. We were asked to summon help and direct the ambulance to that remote corner of the RV Park. That particular location is designated for the disposal of leaves and limbs and, understandably, the ground is not solid. I surmise the weight of the golf cart and driver caused it to slide down the hill. The man seemed OK but the ambulance was en route.

Smiley face with flowerI’m home; it’s a beautiful afternoon. There are many things I could be doing in the yard but I’m planning to putter on indoor projects. Notice the operative word “planning.” I probably will be in the yard within the hour!!


Marigolds3:30 PM: Yup!! I’ve been in the garden!! I planted organic cucumber seeds in organic starter soil. Then I transplanted marigolds (from Lowe’s) to a planter that will be a gift for one of the faithful, hard-working volunteers. I’ve mentioned Sam before; he was my team-mate while I was volunteering at CARE.  He volunteers month-after-month. Maybe he will be spared mosquito bites while sitting, reading, in his yard?!

A very pleasant surprise; I’ve been invited to dinner with a couple I met on the tour!! I suggested they “come visit” and she showed up moments ago with an organic veggie salad, in hand, and the invitation to join them and another couple. All are vegans!! This is awesome!! People who talk my language!! The subject never came up on the tour; do I look “vegan”? ~~ We **did** talk about because they have been work-campers with Amazon. Small world!! (Remember, I was hired by Amazon in Campbellsville, Kentucky, in September 2010.)

Lucky lady !!

Broad view of Bluebirds

Same picture, close up

Close up of three BluebirdsSitting in my easy chair, with a cup of coffee, I saw–all at the same time–Bluebirds, Cardinal, Hummingbird and squirrels. Wish I’d been able to get all in one picture. That would be a miracle??


Smiley face with camera

Cardinal & Squirrel

Cardinal on feederClick each picture to enlarge for better view.


Guarding the tomato plant

MandevillaA recent addition to my garden: Great Horned Owl to guard my tomato plant and pepper plant. He came from North Carolina (not a new purchase). ~~ I want to document the growth of the Mandevilla plant.


Broad view of squirrel on bird feeder

Squirrel on bird feeder

Something old, something new, …

…something appropriated, wouldn’t you??

Picnic table

Picnic tableThe only picnic tables are at the CARE Center RV sites for the volunteers. A volunteer left yesterday morning (after six months working maintenance). This morning I grabbed two volunteers (leaving soon, after one month) to help me move the picnic table. Tomorrow (Monday) I may be reprimanded… and it may be removed. Doggonit, I plan to be here the rest of my life; I’d like a picnic table. (I had planned to buy a wrought-iron table and two chairs–at the recent CARE garage sale–but it had mysteriously been sold prior to actual opening of the sale. But that’s another story!) Personally, I think the picnic table is a valuable addition to my yard. I’ll paint it. Double doggonit: I earned it!! Although laundry service and housecleaning are part of the monthly fee, I do my own laundry and cleaning. I seldom eat their overcooked, highly processed meals!! (You’ve heard that message before.) I seldom require anything from “maintenance”; I have to mow (weed wack) my own yard. I’ve asked to borrow a twelve-foot step-ladder but my requests have been ignored. I finally got the electric drill I had been requesting because I went to the shop while a maintenance man was there and he grudgingly loaned to me. (My battery drill doesn’t hold a charge long enough for some of my projects.)

I’ve just returned from doing laundry (in the nearby Escapees Rainbow’s End RV Park) and have things to put away. 


Postscript, Monday, April 28th, 8:00 AM: Moving that heavy table was NOT a good idea!!! I’m in so much pain I can only sit in my wonderful, comfortable glider-recliner chair (with my morning coffee) and watch the Bluebirds coming for mealworms, and squirrels enjoying their treats. (A two-Aleve day!! I very seldom use any over-the-counter or prescription drug!!)

Beautiful morning !!!!!!

SN853961Stained glassIt was delightful to walk into the kitchen and see the sunlight streaming through a clean window. After delivering mealworms for the Bluebirds, I checked the other bird house (with my camera). I must do some research to find out if all baby birds look similar. I was told the bird sitting on the eggs was a Carolina Chickadee. IMHO, the babies look like Bluebirds.

Fresh from a shower, I’m off to the Center for a haircut. I don’t plan any dirty work today.

Amusing experience !!

One pink shoeLast night–after “weed wacking”–I hosed grass clippings off the pair of garden sandals (and off my feet and legs). This morning the mate has disappeared. I’m curious about what critter carried it away. ~~ Life with Lorraine (LOL).

Postscript, Sunday, April 27, 2014: As I suspected, the dog of a volunteer (my former teammate) took my sandal. “Bella” escaped her leash (as she often does) and came to visit me (as she often does). No big loss: The sandals were free, acquired during my 2010 travels in the New England States and Canada.

Baby News !!

Eleven-forty AM and I just saw one of the recently fledged baby Bluebirds. “Mama Blue” came to the mealworm feeder and then flew to a nearby branch. “Junior” was sitting there and she fed him/her. I’m hoping the parents will bring the babies to the mealworm feeder soon.