Shame, shame, shame on Lorraine

There was a time when “proofreading” was my job and I received a paycheck for the meticulous task. Proofreading has served me well over the years because errors seem to leap off the page and grab my attention. Not today!! I could not believe I made a mistake three times!!

True confession: I had already attached the chart to Annabelle when I noticed that “branches” was misspelled. So I corrected the error and published the corrected chart.  OMG, “to” was listed two times. Third times a charm?? Here is a copy of the “comment” attached to the chart:

It is important (to me) to document the intertwined families. Annabelle Grisso is my 5th cousin, Catherine Frantz (married to George Grisso) is my 1st cousin 5x removed, and Sarah Saloma Frantz (married to John Grisso) is my 3rd great-grandaunt.


Yesterday’s challenge

Honestly, too much time sitting at the computer. I was contacted for Frantz family information and it led to numerous email messages and a lot of research!! After hours of “swinging from branch to branch,” I’m satisfied with the documentation. Here is a copy of the “story” I wrote and posted.

This Frantz family researcher (Lorraine Frantz Edwards) faced a challenge: Who were the parents of Hollis C. Frantz? Christian Frantz (1805-1890) and Catherine Trout (1811-1898) were listed in my tree (and a number of other Ancestry Member Family Trees). I was contacted by another subscriber (Frantz researcher) and we exchanged information. He identified Hollis C. Frantz’ parents as John W. Frantz (1833-1925) and Catharine Ziegler (1839-1860). This researcher requires sources and “might makes right”–majority of Ancestry Members–doesn’t mean accurate.  John W. Frantz appears in the 1860 Federal Census and it has been assumed that Hollis Frantz is his baby brother. The question in my mind: “If John and his wife were living with his parents (Christian Frantz and Catharine Trout), why isn’t his wife listed?” Answer: Catherine Ziegler Frantz passed away on 23 Mar 1860, shortly after the birth of Hollis, and before the 1860 Federal Census enumeration on 31 July 1860. Diligent research continued and eventually the statement “Hollis was raised by his paternal grandparents” –in this source: . (Copy the link and paste it into your browser.)  Regrettably, Find A Grave increased the erroneous information because it lists John W. Frantz as a sibling of Hollis C. Frantz.

This research experience explanation is for the benefit of family members who are likewise confused. ~~ Lorraine Frantz Edwards with Ancestry Lorraine Frantz Family Tree.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Another “challenge”: Sit less, walk more. I **did** walk more and I counted my steps. I walked around the Park before 8:00 AM while it was still cool. I regret the fact that “the gizmo” documents far fewer steps than my count. When my count was 400, “the gizmo” registered 234. Riding my three-wheel bike doesn’t register but (to my credit) I wrote the bike after a brief rainstorm that cooled the air. I think I’ll get out my pedometer….

Benefits of walking

Monday morning postscript: For my world “accuracy” is paramount. Truth be told: The blog message (above) was written yesterday and scheduled for today. Evidence: Look at the date on the picture.-~~ If I still had access to my clipart, I’d put a smiley face here. The clipart is on the “old” laptop computer. I’m using a sixteen-month-old desktop computer because my “old” eyes do much better with a large screen monitor.




Frantz family Pioneer life

Below is a portion of a story I’m transcribing. It was written by my uncle Ralph Frantz. This is the first of many articles I plan to type and attach in the appropriate place in Ancestry in my Lorraine Frantz Family Tree.

Ralph Harrison Frantz handwritten story almost as written. The transcriber (his niece) added a limited number of necessary punctuation. The entire twelve (12) page story is one long paragraph. To separate the narrative into paragraphs and add extensive punctuation would negate the charm of the reminisce. The transcriber has listed the principal people and places in bold.

My father, David Henry Frantz, was born in Pennsylvania in 1870 and was Penn Dutch and spoke only German until he was school age. He went to Illinois near Decatur and grew up there. My mother, Lydia Hannah Traxler, was born in Illinois in 1877 near Decatur where she grew up and married my father Jun 8, 1896 near Decatur. My father died in Modesto, California, Sep 1, 1949. My mother died in Modesto Jun 20, 1974. My sister, Anna May, [Frantz] was born in Illinois Feb. 19m 1900. My folks moved to Britt, Iowa, in 1901 and were farming and I was born Nov. 13, 1902 near Britt. My brother, Ivan [Frantz], was born Dec. 3, 1904 near Britt. After two cyclones had destroyed the farm buildings on the farm my folks were renting, they moved to a farm near Minot, North Dakota, in 1905 that they rented five miles South of Surrey so they could be in an area of The Church of the Brethren at Surrey. They were members and we went to Church there. In 1908 they bought a 160 acre farm one-and-one-half miles west of Surrey. Viola Mae [Frantz] was born there Dec. 12, 1908. In Spring of 1910 my father filed on a 160 acre claim in Saskatchewan, Canada, 60 miles south of Maple Creek in a new settlement of homesteaders from the United States at Battle Creek community area. We moved by train to Maple Creek and father hauled two loads of lumber to the claim to build a house. The Canadian Government had promised a railroad to Battle Creek but it was never put in. Before Father started building because of impure water in creek used for water supply a typhoid fever sickness caused deaths in the settlement because of no doctor within 60 miles. Father gave up the claim and sold lumber to other settlers. He went to Medicine Hat, Alberta, and bought a 160 acre farm 11 miles southwest of Medicine Hat at Bulls Head Station. Battle Creek and Bulls Head are no more settlements. Father built a covered wagon on our wide hay wagon and shipped our farm equipment and furniture in a boxcar to Bulls Head. Then we traveled the 65 miles Maple Creek to Bulls Head in covered wagon and grain wagon with feed and supplies for our cows and horses we led along behind the wagons. The covered wagon trip took six days thru country that had no roads but what wagon trails were available between farms and open sheep range. The sheepherders wanted no cows crossing their range and tried to stop us. One day after having no water for nearly two days we came to a stream and were filling our water barrels and watering horses and cows when two sheepherders came us to get cows away from stream and to empty water barrels. Father offered to pay for water. They wanted no pay–just turn around and go back. Father got his single shot 22 rifle and said we wouldn’t go back and they if they didn’t leave or started towards us as he was a Sharp Shooter only one of them would leave alive. They backed away and then got very friendly and said they were only trying to scare us. They then told us our map was wrong and best road was two miles north and good grazing area and good overnight camp about five miles. Father kept rifle pointed at them while they were marking the map Mother showed them. They wished us a safe trip and left. Mother asked if he would have shot. Father said he couldn’t as gun not loaded so maybe he should keep it loaded. I have the rifle as an heirloom. We followed sheepherders directions and got to a better road and good grazing spot. That evening while Anna and I were hunting Buffalo chips for our fire, Anna was half mile from camp when two coyotes started chasing her. She was screaming towards camp and Mother got to her before coyotes and she beat them off with a stick until Father got there with rifle. We had no more troubles on our covered wagon trip.

(Just a portion….) For me, this was brand-new information. My father never talked about his youth. The only detail: He left home as a teenager and deliberately created a life, and family, estranged from his parents and siblings. He rejected the family and the faith of his forefathers. I knew nothing of my Frantz family ancestry until 1987.


Sitting at the computer ALL DAY is about the extent of my planned activity. “Sititis” isn’t a real word–it’s just a made-up expression for an old lady who is exhausted. I did a Google search to see **if** a real word and here is the link that came up. If **you** click the link and read the message, you will see alarm bells ringing for Lorraine.

Here is information about the Mother’s Day gift I gave myself. When I attempted to set it up, I had an unpleasant experience with Customer Service. I put the purchase on the shelf and almost forgot about it. About thirty-six hours ago, Lively (former GreatCall) contacted me (via text message) asking me to “push the button and activate the Wearable2.” I retrieved the purchase and pushed the buttonand explored the features. Last night I reviewed the features and found that I walked 234 steps. That was a shock because I thought I was reasonably active on “Fry-day.”

Pat on the back ??

First, I updated the maps on my eleven-year-old Garmin. Then I sat in the cool comfort of my living room, consulted the Internet, and entered the names and addresses of establishments I want to visit. Of number one importance: The address of the doctor where I have an appointment on July 9th. (Several acquaintances recommend her and I’ve been waiting more than two months for this appointment.)  Into the Garmin, I programmed addresses for Thrift Stores and Antique Shops. “DOWNSIZING” IS ON MY MIND!! ~~ A portion of my day was spent sorting old genealogy and, frankly, I’m afraid I won’t live long enough to get everything transcribed to my Ancestry family tree. That’s a lot of typing–and a lot of sitting–and (for the sake of my health) I need more exercise!! It’s 4:40 in the afternoon and my gizmo says I’ve only walked 113 steps. Yipes!! ~~ Why don’t I consult my Smartphone for locations? I’m “old-school” and want the directions on the screen on the dashboard of my 2006 KIA. Yes, newer vehicles have their GPS installed in the dashboard. Everything I own is old!! ~~~~ Lament: Six new obituaries (in two days) and they beg my time and attention.

Pray for Florida residents ?!

What a shock to wake up to the story about the collapsed condo in Florida. I saw it on the TV news and I searched the Internet for the story. Here is a link to the story with details. I’m counting my blessings!! I don’t have “a view of the surf”  (nor could I afford a $600,000 or $700,000 condo). I’m praying for those families and counting my blessings.

All day at the computer !!

It was important (to me) to accurately document the two men. It took all day. Decisions, decisions!! I started the chart with larger print size (the preference for this old lady with failing eyesight). I reduced the print size because I don’t want a crazy-looking image for future readers (weird wrap-arounds). ~~ This is the third or fourth day documenting the family of my great-grandaunt Frances “Fanny” Alderfer (1831-1906). FYI: One hundred seventy-four individuals added to my database in two days. Frequently, it requires documentation of many individuals before I have the essential information. Furthermore, 174 individuals may have required more than five hundred “sources.” ~~~~ Explanation: Earlier, I thought it was clever to identify myself as “Donna Quixote” because I’m at odds with many other Ancestry subscribers (I’m fighting windmills). After reading details about Don Quixote, I retract the comparison. OK? ~~~~

Motivated morning ?

We have a slightly cooler day but the extreme heat and humidity return tomorrow.  “…the cupboard was bare…” so “old mother Hubbard” went grocery shopping. Preparing this blog message is relaxingand I’m off my feet and legs.

Before I went grocery shopping



I’ve heard TV news stories about the high cost of groceriesand I witnessed for myselfand thus refrained from certain items. (Yipes, a dollar for a turnip!! No thanks.) When I turned on the noon news, that was the topic (again) that greeted me. Honestly, with these high prices, how does a family manage? I’m  “conservative”: No meat, no cookies, no candy, no soft drinks, no adult beverages, etc.