Fifteen flowers Hummingbirds love to visit

Fifteen flowers Hummingbirds love to visit.

Blog messages regarding Hummingbirds in my yard: (1) Hummingbird on feeder; (2) Hummingbird Heaven; (3) Hummingbird outside my window; (4) Camera available; (5) No joke; (6) Believe it or not; (7) Gratefully grateful; (8) Hummingbird poster and trivia; many other messages, search with the word “Hummingbird.” ~~ They move so fast, it’s difficult to get a good picture.

Bordering on absurd ?!

During a visit with a neighbor, it was suggested I lock my refrigerator. The laundry room is shared with my “across the driveway”  neighbor. As I’ve indicated in earlier blog messages, he is very angry with me. He shouts and curses at me; pounds on my trailer demanding I come outdoors and talk to him about the disputed situation. My several-doors-away-neighbor suggested he is the type of person who would poison my food in my refrigerator. My “several-doors-away-neighbor”  has known “across the driveway neighbor”  for seven or eight years and knows he goes to great length to get his own way. I haven’t caved to his demands so his anger is red-hot toward me.

Invariably, I “need”  something a few days, or a few weeks, after it is sold or donated. I had fifty feet of new chain, in original container, that was reasonably priced and sold during the yard sale. Now I’ll pay “top dollar”  at Lowe’s. ~~ The last several days, I’ve been delighted to function as a hostess; I’ve served my guests iced tea, Gatorade, or V-8 from my auxiliary refrigerator. Now I risk poisoning my guests??

Today, focus on the garden

Almost the first thing I accomplished this morning: Spray the plants with Fels Naptha. Here is information from a blog I published while I was deeply immersed in veggie gardening (at that other location). I have a large quantity (previously prepared) that will last for years. It only takes a teaspoon in a quart of water. ~~ I also prepared Epsom Salt for garden projects.

Truthfully, first thing: I was working with the blocks AGAIN. I’m so eager to complete that project so I can turn my attention to other projects!! After spraying plants, I transplanted recent purchase mark-downs–and tomato plant. I robbed soil from planters that previously held beautiful plants (at that other location) but plants perished because I neglected them after the trauma of the eviction (and hard freeze in January).









I told a friend I’m so tired I’m cross-eyed. Six-thirty PM as I publish this.

P.S. April 29th: Last night, went to bed at 8:50 and enjoyed nine blissful hours of sleep.

Ridiculous !!

Remember all the glass containers (bottles, vases, etc.) I collected for Bottle Bushes and Bottle Trees? Today I made phone calls to locate a recycling site for glass. (Because I have more… than I can use and more than other folks can use.) The closest location is WACO, TEXAS. ~~ I’m passionate about “recycling” but definitely will not be driving that distance to properly discard of. ~~ I don’t know the mileage because every website I searched wanted me to add software to my computer. “No thanks!”

It has “character” ??

“The guys” will look at the project and say “It isn’t even; it has waves.”  I’ll answer: “It has character.”  Here are several before and after pictures. (I never expected it would be three months before seventy-five percent completed.) Before I declare the project completed, I need to develop a pattern at the end of the ramp and set the blocks in place. (I have ten additional blocks.)


Friday, April 27th: Today, time and energy spent on blocks.

Monday, April 30th: Cement block project completed.

Out-of-the-ordinary day !!

Three-fifteen: Just got home after a long day of activities in Livingston. So far, the rain hasn’t appeared; a bright sunny day. First thing this morning, I went to  a favorite restaurant for breakfast (an almost never experience). Second (for the first time), I visited a local barber shop for a haircut. With a long wait, a total of two hours… but so much interesting conversation between folks who have lived in this area all their lives. Third, to Angelina College seeking an answer to a nagging question. Fourth, back to Habitat for Humanity ReStore (thrift shop) for a pleasant conversation with the manager. Fifth, a long time browsing in Lowe’s as I attempted to locate hardware to meet my needs for a project. Apparently such an item doesn’t exist. Among other things, I bought “mark down” plants. Sixth: Gas; seventh: groceries. Last (but of great importance) bird seed and sunflower seeds for the birds and squirrels. Later I’ll wrestle (wrestled) the fifty-pound bags to the laundry room. Previously (for years), I’ve stored seed in a fifty-gallon aluminum garbage pail. The new location will be exceptionally nice (imho).

A husband and wife were walking down the street–as I struggled to load one bag on my hand-truck. The man ran to help me. I’m so grateful!! ~~ Now, at five-fifty PM, the seed is safe behind a closed-door and the birds have fresh food. ~~  About seven PM, I’ll walk across the street to the Clubhouse to watch the movie The Greatest Showman. I rarely, rarely, rarely attend Wednesday and Friday night movies but this movie is one I want to see. ~~ An out-of-ordinary day!!