For the record….

Below, read the positive review(s) I wrote (May 29, 2015, June 3, 2015, & June 5, 2015) regarding Escapees CARE Center, Livingston, Texas. Those were my heartfelt sentiments. Across the top of CARE Facebook page, that’s my picture displaying the Center, and the Thrift ‘n Gift Shop (a shop that received many donations as I was “downsizing.”)

Lorraine Frantz Edwards reviewed Escapees CARE, Inc. — 5 star

May 29, 2015 · 

 October, November and December 2013, I was a volunteer at CARE. I recognized that this community is, indeed, “caring” and I chose to make it “my forever home.” As a resident, I have my own comfortable trailer “home” on a great RV site. I have the freedom to nurture a garden, enjoy the birds, **AND** appreciate all the features CARE offers. Life is good!!
Lorraine Frantz Edwards
Lorraine Frantz Edwards “The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life. Rarely do members of one family grow up under the same roof.”
― Richard Bach, Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah

Lorraine Frantz Edwards

Lorraine Frantz Edwards Read my blog message Variety is the spice of life to see the progression as I personalized CARE site #9 and made it “Home Sweet Home.”…/variety-is-the…/

CARE residents have a wide variety of activities. Furthermore, a wide variety of weather conditions. As I type this (at three…

November 5 at 4:39pm · 

Lorraine Frantz Edwards
Lorraine Frantz Edwards “Steve,” SINCERE THANKS for your sympathy during this very stressful time in my life. It was my intention to make Escapees CARE, Inc. “my forever home.” ~~ Posted on a bulletin board in the hall of CARE Center, “Escapees CARE Inc., Rights of the Elderly.” Point #7 says “An elderly individual is encouraged and assisted in the exercise of an individual’s rights. An individual may voice grievances or recommend changes in policy or service without restraint, interference, coercion, discrimination, or reprisal.” ~~ Posted… but ignored.

Stephanie Maunder
Today [Nov. 28, 2017] at 8:37am
Marge – I feel that Lorraine should have been handled differently from the day she moved into CARE. CARE needs to have an employee who has the experience in geriatric personalities. There is a measure of experience needed that the director does not have. The residents at CARE have a person who can handle the management of CARE but they also need a person who has the experience to handle the problems of the elderly. –  Steve Maunder

A sign from Heaven ?!


If you have followed my blog for any length of time, you know I LOVE BLUEBIRDS. For several years, I’ve fed them, I’ve housed them; via a camera installed in a Bluebird house, I’ve watched eggs hatch, and babies grow. (All documented in blog messages.)

Due to our extreme Summer temperatures, the Bluebirds presumably flew North. This morning, I was so thrilled to see a beautiful male sitting on the post. Such a welcome sight!! I rushed out to my storage building for the feeder and mealworms. I’m waiting to see him/them on the feeder.

I dashed outdoors to get the feeder, and mealworms, despite the temperature. Last night was our coldest since last January. My furnace was not functioning!! I was cold under a mountain of blankets!! Then, gratefully, I remembered the “heat strip” installed (fifteen months ago) in the new air-conditioner. Pressed into service for the first time, the heat strip operated, and warmed my trailer home. 


IDrive “failed backup” !!

Frustrating!! No solution in sight!!

Please see earlier blogs Computers can be a bane or blessing, and Sunday update.

Saturday, October 21, 7:00 PM; time lapsed 8 hours 50 minutes;
estimated time left 11 hours; 5% complete
Completed files 4,115, 3 GB; to do files 24,168; 59.32 GB


Sunday, October 22, 7:00 AM; time lapsed 20 hours 45 minutes;
estimated time left 8 hours 30 minutes; 15% complete
Completed files 8,767, 9.32 GB; to do files 19,507; 53 GB


Sunday, October 22, 1:30 PM; time lapsed 27 hours 25 minutes;
estimated time left 9 hours; 20% complete
Completed files 10,090, 12.66 GB; to do files 18,183; 49.74 GB


“Print screen” images that are unimportant to my casual reader. However, I’m BIG on documentation. Perhaps there will be an interested reader who will have a suggestion (or two) for me?! Signing up for IDrive was obviously a misplaced expense!!



IDrive sent an email message requesting an evaluation of their service after contacting them for support. Here is my reply.

Extremely poor support!! REPEAT: Extremely poor support!! I sent email messages and the answers were unsatisfactory. I had a “chat” that did not solve my problems. I think I will add my dissatisfaction to reviews on the Internet because your “support” (and product) does not live up to the advertisement!!!!!!!!!!

I cannot get this “old” laptop to back up. Installation went fine–and backup–on my “new” laptop computer.Yesterday (10/19/17) –at 4:17 PM–I had the message “Preparing the list.” The little green line moves across the screen then returns to the left and little green line moves across the screen. The computer has not “gone to sleep” (this morning because I brush my finger across the “mouse”); the Internet connection is working fine. 

I’ve had Carbonite for several years and no problem with backups on this “old” laptop. However, I wanted both computers on one subscription.
REPEAT: Extremely poor support!!!
Lorraine Edwards