Four down…

Round tuitFour empty boxes…and one-hundred-ninety-six (more or less) to go!! That large plastic container was full of “bathroom” items. And this sentimental old lady unpacked the cookbooks and put them in a high cupboard. I believe I packed that box in Lancaster, California, in 2004. I rarely read recipes!! Why am I keeping them?? When I haven’t anything else to do–when I get “a round tuit”–I’ll revisit cupboards and closets and eliminate more things. Right now I need to process each box and make decisions. Empty boxSome… are already destined for the upcoming CARE garage sale. (One hour spent, this morning, in a meeting regarding the event.) ~~ FYI: The VHS player works fine so I correctly connected the cables. ~~ It’s 1:30 PM and I’m ready to drive to the mini-storage for a few more boxes. (Over an hour spent, this afternoon, watering the house plants in the CARE Center.)

Postscript, Tuesday, April 1st, 9:35 AM: I didn’t go to the mini-storage; I watched DVDs on the Blu-Ray player.


View from my front window and front door.

Left to right #1


Correction (in the interest of complete honesty):

View from side picture window and only door.


Left to right #2

Left to right #3

Left to right #4


Frequently, I surprise myself!! When I named this blog “Panorama” (and published it at 9:50 AM), I never dreamed I’d have a different panorama before the day was out. This afternoon I shifted boxes around in the mini-storage unit (four miles from my trailer). After numerous previous searches, today I found the box with DVD-VHS player and box with Blu-Ray player.  I returned home with a car-load of things…. Late (late) afternoon I tackled the job of extricating the Samsung television from the latched bracket securing it to the board behind it.Entertainment centerBig screen TV Slowly, one step after another: TV off…, appropriate cables from TV to the two players, all electric cords and cables appropriately labeled. I inserted the Free Willy DVD and pressed the “power” buttons. Suddenly, I had a 26-inch (diagonal) picture that took my breath away!! I’ve been watching DVDs on the 9-inch (diagonal) screen Sony player. It’s 10:00 PM and I’ve “frittered” away several hours watching The Pretender DVD. The living room/dining room/ kitchen is cluttered with boxes; I have clean laundry to put away before I can climb into bed (three loads this morning). ~~ I’m delighted with my accomplishment; just wanted to share. (Note tiny Sony DVD player on the right just below Samsung TV–just the right size for T@B teardrop trailer travels.)

Home sweet home !!

Home is where I park it

Home sweet homeYesterday evening I had a small lake in my yard. Today was perfect, weather-wise, and hard to believe I was ankle-deep in water twenty-three-and-one-half hours earlier. Although “tired,” I pushed myself to get the T@B trailer relocated before being asked a third time to move it. One day soon, weather permitting, I must completely clean the T@B of mold and mildew. However, more rain on the horizon. Yes, on a rainy day I can work in the T@B but I’m looking for warm sunny days so I can have the door and windows open, and trailer “stuff” outside.

After the storm !!

Saturday afternoon, 3:00 PM and I need a break after hours in the yard doing cleanup–after a terrible thunderstorm last evening. Because the blog is titled “After the storm” I’ll show today’s pictures first.

5_3/5 inches of rain

Fallen bird feeders

Upturned garden flag

Washed off and left to dry out


I ran out of a special event in the CARE Center (about 7:15 PM) because I wanted to cover my bed against another saturation–and watch various areas in the trailer in hopes I’d find the source area of the leak. We had torrential rain–and lightening extremely nearby. ~~ The pictures are not “enhanced” in any way. The lighting changed that quickly (six minutes). Yes, I was out in pouring rain, and standing ankle-deep in water. FYI: These were taken with my Canon SX500 IS camera and I recently discovered how to imprint the date and time on each picture.

Flooded yard #1

Flooded yard #2

Flooded yard #3

Flooded yard #4

Ankle deep in water

Backyard #1

Backyard #2

Rain water in fountain

Before the cleanup

Little Lake


I know you must get tired of hearing me say “I’m so tired” but it’s a fact that I get very tired working on many of my projects. Today I picked up fallen tree limbs, and replaced the fallen pole (between trees) supporting four bird feeders. Everything was covered with debris so lots of time hosing items (like Spring garden flag), tan plastic storage boxes, orange fabric yard chair and two aluminum/wood yard chairs. Bird feeders had soggy wet feed so it was dumped out, feeders washed and left to dry. Refills soon!! My rain gauge only registered one and three-fifths inches but seems like more. Look: Two and three-quarters inches deep in the fountain (rain water only because I haven’t established a location [yet] for the fountain nor hooked up electricity.)

Fabulous finish…

Russ with check…for the 2014 CARE Health Fair!! During the pancake breakfast, Facility Director Russ Johnson was presented with a check for more than $46,000. ~~ Proceeds came from several raffles (of gifts donated by community business’, et al), and dinner tickets (over 200 in attendance). The money will be used to upgrade the kitchen at CARE. (I wish they would “upgrade” the quality of the meals they serve!!)

Thirsty Thursday ??

First thing in the morning, while I am drinking my tea, I read some (but not all) of the many e-mail messages received about health and nutrition. I just read this about the benefits of tea and especially appreciated the information with slide #8: “Studies show that drinking green tea may potentially prevent the onset or slow the progression of dementia.” ~~~~ There are numerous people in my new CARE family that have dementia or Alzheimer’s. It is insidious; it is heartbreaking!! One dear lady has been a CARE resident for about five months. In that brief time she has slipped from free-flowing interesting conversation to stilted repetition, and not recognizing individuals. Another precious lady–a long-time resident–is now in a long-term care facility because she no longer knows her husband. (Did you see the movie The Notebook? A touching portrayal of dementia.)

Another BIG day ahead for the CARE Health Fair. Gotta go!! More later.


Here I am again, Friday, March 28, 2014, 9:00 AM. REALLY busy day yesterday. I kept my appointment for Stroke Scan Plus—a vendor/mini-clinic set up in the Escapee’s RV Park Clubhouse. The brochure read: “Stroke Scan Plus will be bringing its painless, mobile, stroke and vascular disease prevention team here to scan for the early detection and prevention of STROKE due to blocked arteries in the neck, sudden death due to ruptured abdominal aorta aneurysm, AAA, and leg amputation due to blocked leg arteries PAD. A 2-lead EKG for atrial fibrillation AFIB will also be provided.” I added (at extra expense) the LIPIDs test (re: cholesterol). The results said I was “normal” in all areas.

TV has to goYamaha Inverter Generator (never used)We learned a lot from two doctors that spoke (separately) to the audience in the afternoon. At 4 o’clock I joined the crew at the Activity Center for final preparations for the big evening dinner. Then served…. ~~ There were two speakers plus the drawings for the door prizes. The Silent Auction did very well and I’m delighted my Yamaha Generator Inverter (donation) brought over $600. ~~ My Vizio TV was appreciated as a door prize.

WeatherLess activities today as the CARE Health Fair is winding down. On Monday I attend a meeting as we make plans and preparations for the CARE Garage Sale in mid-April. (Clip art for whirlwind “winding down” [LOL] but we’ve had cold weather–and rain–all week. It’s another dark, gloomy, rainy day as I publish this postscript at 9:55.)

Healthy Wednesday ??

This link arrived with an email message — in my mailbox overnight.

I listened to the entire l-o-n-g sales pitch and “bought” the notion that I might be able to re-wind my biological clock. I have been so frustrated with my lack of energy!! As I’ve mentioned in earlier blog messages, my mind wants to “do” major projects but my body is “on strike.” As it is, I take a dozen nutritional supplements a day and believe they are a valuable addition to my diet of fresh fruit and vegetables.  I’ll try RegeneCell for a couple of months. “Nothing ventured, nothing gained!!” ~~ It’s almost 10 o’clock and I am headed for the vendor booths set up in the Activity Center for our annual CARE Health Fair. The event is a “worthy endeavor” but too few people are attending. 

Healthy Monday ?!

Second to my backyard garden, I’m passionate about health and nutrition. I just read this interesting article.

Assorted-Vegetables-ApplesI enjoyed a very large green salad yesterday (and will create another today): Organic Spring greens, broccoli, celery, cucumber, green pepper, tomatoes, etc. Have you had your veggies??

Today the CARE Health Fair kicks off “in high gear.” It will be a long–and educational–week. Many health-care professionals will be here; many vendors. I do not subscribe to allopathic medicine (preferring holistic health) but I approve of an exhaustive effort to bring valuable information to the CARE residents and RVers in the Escapee Park.

 À votre santé.

Tracking the Hummingbirds

“The Hummingbirds are coming; the Hummingbirds are coming.” (To paraphrase Paul Revere‘s “The British are coming, the British are coming.”) So I am following their flight. I made sugar-water a few days ago and filled one feeder. (I’ll fill a second feeder later.) ~~ Look at the map; several sightings in Northeast Texas the last several days. I’m waiting for my first Ruby-throated Hummingbirds.


Postscript, Friday, April 4, 2014, 10:40 AM: Just saw my first Hummingbird of the season–at my feeder. Hallelujah!!

HummingbirdPostscript, 5:00 PM: Moments ago, two Hummingbirds were at the feeder. I was standing, silently, within arm’s length and was thrilled to see them up close. Either both were females, or they are a different species because no ruby-red throat.

Postscript, 6:00 PM: I just checked the web and looked at pictures of Ruby Throated Hummingbirds. “My” visitors looked like the picture (above).

Done day Sunday !!

Planting a treeLife's all about my gardenSaturday “done me in”!! I am in major pain this morning (9:00). Yesterday I probably spent two hours browsing the garden shop of Lowe’s. The purchases for Friday and Saturday total $100.00. Friday afternoon, I planted three…, Saturday I planted fourteen. I believe I have about a dozen more plants awaiting my attention. ~~ Let’s face it: I love a bargain!! All the $1. plants (mark downs) held me like a magnet. ~~ I needed more planter soil BUT  I’m using material from my composter so the purchased product will go a long ways.

Getting old is a real bummer!! My mind wants to “do” projects but the body rebels. Today I planned to move the T@B trailer to the front of the Carriage trailer but (at this moment [9:15] lack the energy). Sunday morning is a good time to shift because the neighbor’s vehicles are gone so I have more space to navigate in. I hate to move the T@B but a direct order from the Facility Director. Two or three of us could have pushed the T@B into the new position BUT  “they” have recognized that I am self-sufficient.Smiley face with flower

Sounds like I am complaining?? No (IMHO), just reporting on my activities!!


Postscript, 11:45 AM: Actually, thirty-two plants (many in “six packs”). ~~ A man just left after surveying the roof for possible source of the leak; an estimate to follow. I tried to pay him, and his co-laborer, to roll my little trailer from point A to point B.  They declined.


ten_bean_soupI wish I had the ability to send pleasant smells with my blog. I’m fixing Ragin’ Cajun (brand) “Cajun Style Ten Bean Soup with Seasonings and Vegetables” for an event this evening. The CARE Health Fair week kicks off with “Soup Fest” at 4 o’clock.


7:20 PM and I wish I could send some pleasant smelling, tastes delicious, Ten Bean Soup home with you!! Some of the eighteen varieties were quickly gone (sold out) but mine was hardly touched. I have four containers (now in the refrigerator) and each will provide a generous meal (tomorrow they go into the freezer). FYI: Soups were donated; sales totaled $431.00.  Everyone is happy!!


Postscript, Monday, March 24, 2014, 11:40 AM: I enjoyed Ten Bean Soup for brunch. It really is very good!! Yesterday, I added fresh celery and fresh carrots as I prepared the soup; today I added about one-half cup of left-over mashed potatoes (to the small portion I was reheating). The soup was thick and bursting with flavor!!


Smiley face very sadAdditional Postscript, Monday, March 24, 2014, 1:30 PM: Received a phone call from repairman with dollar amount to hopefully repair the roof against future leaks. I say “hopefully” because the source of a leak can be so illusive!! I’ll have to abandon the idea of a trip to North Carolina–late April into early May–for the T@B Blue Ridge Rally.