Wild goose chase ?!

Yours truly did not want to pay big bucks, at Lowe’s, for coarse sand or fine gravel (for cement block walkway project). A reasonably reliable source gave me specific directions to an independent retailer. Miles from my home in Polk County, I drove through Liberty County into Hardin County. Thirty miles from home and forty minutes into the trip, I turned around at a highway department gravel site (and I did not “help myself” to their property). I never saw a sign for a retailer!! In total: Fifty-nine miles and one-hour-thirty-five minutes trip. True story: In the four-plus years I’ve lived in Livingston, Texas, I have NEVER ventured this far, nor  this long, from home. (Lengthy shopping trips are an exception, of course. I mean an hour, or more, random driving.)

Same-o, same-o….

The weatherman indicates a better day. Time will tell.


From the amount of water in this pail, apparently we had almost six inches of rain the past couple of days. The containers were/are sitting near back of my KIA in preparation for a trip to retailer selling sand and gravel (for the cement blocks walkway project).




Back indoors because too dark to continue working outdoors. Good thing because I’m totally exhausted. The Winter Olympics are history so I can go to bed early?!  More rain predicted for the next several days. 

Did you know ??

The U.S. Post Office does not forward mail from a business? Escapees CARE Center is a “business” so the resident’s mail may–OR MAY NOT–reach the individual. It’s tax time–and the rainy weather forces me to work indoors. I’d like to “do” my taxes but lack necessary paperwork. One time, one CARE individual brought me a manila envelope with a dozen pieces of mail. “One time….”

For goodness sake; I only live “around the corner”  from CARE!! Obviously no “caring” or consideration for this former resident?!

“Word of the day: Rain”

That’s an exact quote by the Houston NBC-TV meteorologist just before 7:00 AM.

is my word of the day. Looking forward….

Ten inches of rain this past week according to a neighbor. My rain gauge is still misplaced  so (obviously) I didn’t have that information.

The weather interfered with DISH satellite television reception, HUGHES satellite Internet and GREAT CALL/Jitterbug cell phone reception. It’s alarming when I don’t have Jitterbug service with 5-Star (for emergencies). I’m reasonably healthy (?) but take comfort knowing help is as close as the push of a button.

And then it began to rain !!

“The nursery” gained a portion of my time this morning–and then it began to rain. A welcome excuse to abandon the yard and come indoors and prepare “brunch” (at two o’clock). ~~ 2:45 and time to go back to work?!


Earlier, I worked under the carport arranging, and rearranging, yard sale items. I confess to “saving” a few items “in case I need them.”  I may want the owl to protect a veggie garden? (I’m seriously considering veggies in my Garden Tower.) Perhaps I’ll use the hanging planters?


“Brown” thumb ?

Doing something wrong?? Sadly, I had to trim off dead and ugly leaves. For several years, at my other location, visitors suggested I had a “green thumb.”  Maybe I’m better with outdoor plants versus house plants?