My “mission field”

I’m in extremely good health compared to most of the residents at this Senior facility. I’m discovering that I can be of major assistance to some of the other residents. Yesterday, my KIA transported a resident to Target for groceries. “Specialty items” not furnished, here, for breakfast. Also a stop at the resident’s Bank. ~~ Today, boxes are ready for the family of a departed resident when the family comes for her belongings. ~~ I’ve moved but I haven’t been “put out to pasture.” I can still be “productive.” (Parenthetical: By necessity, I’ve always had to “be thrifty.” I hated to throw those good boxes in the trash. Then I remembered “Mary” [a brief acquaintance] and can share the boxes with her family.)

An hour a day…

…and things will eventually get put away.

Several days ago, at the grocery store, I purchased twenty-five more hangers. However, I found that I don’t need that many…

POSTSCRIPT @ 2:00 PM: Genealogy unloaded from the crates and placed on the shelves.  “Oh, my aching back!”  Those crates were very heavy. I’ve decided to spend the rest of the day sitting at the computer, looking at the monitor.

POSTSCRIPT @ 3:00 PM: “On a roll, couldn’t stop.”

POSTSCRIPT @ 7:00 PM: Displaying more empty crates. Fourteen crates on my balcony. Decisions, decisions: What am I going to do with all these empty crates?

Detective Lorraine at work

About eight hours, yesterday, researching and documenting these individuals. It was so complicated, I won’t bore the reader with the details. Dozens of Ancestry Member Trees have the incorrect information. “Members” obviously copied from one another. I wish “members” would double-check their information. Correction: I said “detective” but I’m just a janitor cleaning up messes.


Quite by accidentbut there are no accidents with GodI stumbled across a TV program and the man was saying those remarkable words. I embraced the message because it identifies my mission with I feel like I received a hug from God, my Heavenly Father.

Not a “good” Friday !!

Note the sign hanging on my front door. I truly feel “thankful, grateful and blessed.”  However, today, I’m struggling with depression because there doesn’t seem to be any interest in my “for sale” trailer home. Furthermore, I haven’t located anyone interested in the bottle bushes and bottle trees. Likewise, I have “collectibles” that I will donate to an antique and/or collectibles dealer but no interest there either. It’s 5:00 PM and I’m still in my pajamas. I’ve been documenting, in Ancestry, all day because “climbing the family tree” is my medicine. ~~ When I see “gross errors” I create a collage to draw attention to the accurate information. (Depressed and “catty” [meow]?!)

On the menu…

The dessert at the evening meal: Tres Leches cake. At breakfast, while waiting for my omelette, I read the meal choices for the day–and the scheduled activities. In my mind, I questioned, “tres leches, what does that mean?” I thought it was French and, miraculously, I believed I had the answer, “tres, like très bien, very good” and “leches” being milk. I quickly thanked God, my Heavenly Father, for my memory that went back more than sixty years to the years when I lived in Paris, France. I double-checkedon Googlefor the translation, and it is “Three milks,” in Spanish.

The meals are VERY GOOD!! This noon: Filet Mignon, mashed potatoes and green beans. This evening: Cheese quesadillas, red beans, and rice. The much anticipated Tres Leches cake was very, very good.

Oh, so hot !!

Seriously, I would like to do some tasks outside my apartment. However, it is just too hot to be outdoors. I’d like to visit Laverty’s shop which sells antiques and collectibles. I’ll gladly give vintage clothing, bottle bushes and bottle trees, and other “collectibles.”


POSTSCRIPT @ 1:25 PM: After lunch, a trip to my KIA with a few things, and return to my apartment with the step ladder. Not that I “need” a step ladder, but one more item that wasn’t left at my trailer home. Almost everything is out of the back of my KIA (a month after the initial move).